The Members of the Trust consist of twelve members appointed by
The Congregational Federation (3)
The Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches (3)
The United Reformed Church (6)
Members of the Trust may be ministers or laypersons.
The Trust is governed by a trustee body, The Council of Management, comprising the Members of the Trust. The Council of Management usually meets twice per annum in February and September.
The Secretary, known as the Clerk to the Trust, manages the day to day business affairs of the Trust.
Library Sub-Committee
The Library Sub-Committee advises the Council in relation to the Congregational Library and makes recommendations in relation to collection acquisitions and purchases, conservation, and major capital expenditure. Library Sub-Committee members are appointed by Council for their interest and expertise in the Library’s subject materials and / or their conservation.
Investment Policy
The Trust follows an ethical investment policy. Its assets are invested in CCLA’s COIF Charities Ethical Investment Fund. Details of the investment restrictions on the fund can be found on CCLA’s website here.
The Trust banks with Triodos Bank. Triodos Bank’s mission is to help create a society that protects and promotes quality of life and human dignity for all.