Print Collection

The Congregational Library holds over 50,000 books, pamphlets and periodicals concerned with Congregationalism, Puritanism and Dissent in general. Congregational Library holdings can be made available in our temporary reading room at Trinity Congregational Chapel.

The online catalogue of printed books includes: all books printed before 1801, all books acquired by the Congregational Library from 1998 onwards, and its entire collection of hymns and sacred music – the most wide-ranging and ecumenical part of its holdings.

The Library’s catalogue of printed books is available online at On clicking the link you will be taken to the Koha library catalogue page. It is not necessary to have an account to search the catalogue. Using the drop down search menu choose whether to search the whole catalogue or to restrict your search criteria, and then enter what you are looking for in the search box.

Congregational Pageants

To find pageants in the catalogue, search for “pageant”. This also brings up a book of 1661, “to be sold over-against the Pageant in Cornhil, next to Popes-head-Alley” (where “pageant” = triumphal arch?).

In addition, a list of plays and pageants can be found using the following link.

Pageant list

An article on religious pageants can be found in the Spring 2024 Friends newsletter.